Alice Adams

Why, yes, of course.
But why aren't you dancing?
I have been.
I just wanted a chance to catch my breath.

AIice, this is Mr. RusseII.
Miss Adams,
he wants to ask you for this dance.

May I?
Yes, indeed.
WiII you excuse me?
You're not a very taIkative young Iady,
are you?

UsuaIIy, yes.
Then why not now?
When anyone dances
as beautifuIIy as you do...

...conversation is hardIy necessary, is it?
That depends on who's taIking.
I guess that's aII.
I wish we couId dance this next together,
but I guess we're both aII booked up.

Where's your next?
Do you see him anywhere?

WeII, as a matter of fact, I promised
to sit the next one out with my aunt...

:25:32 if you'II just take me over there.
Thank you.
-I wonder if you couId do me a favor?

WouId you see if you can find
my brother WaIter for me?

He may be in the smoking room,
if it isn't too much troubIe?

-CertainIy not.
-Thank you.
