WeII, here we are.
I know this disappearing brother of mine
must have been terribIy hard to find.
On the contrary, it was easy.
MiIdred wiII probabIy never forgive me
for keeping you away so Iong.
-It was a pIeasure.
-Thank you so much.
Don't ever do that again,
do you understand?
-Do what?
-Send anyone Iooking for me.
WeII, he found you, didn't he?
Yeah, he found me aII right, shootin' dice
with the boys in the cIoakroom.
-Did he see you?
-UnIess he was bIind.
Let's go home.
Leave the door open for me.
Did you have a good time?
Just IoveIy.
-Good night.
-Good night, dear.