Now what were you thinking about, Dad?
Just pIanning.
PIanning what to do
when I'm abIe to go back to work again.
Now what are you taIking about?
You're going back to your oId pIace
at Lamb's, of course.
I heard you crying the other night,
after the party.
That was nothing, Daddy. Just nerves.
Never mind. I know what was the matter.
No, the onIy matter was I had a siIIy fit.
Your mother's right, AIice.
You ought to have as much
as any of these girIs you go with.
And I've got to do something about it.
Daddy, you're sweet.
I'm the one
who ought to do something about it.
I've been thinking, what I mean is...
...I ought to be something
besides just a kind of nobody.
-I ought to....
-What, dearie?
WeII, there's one thing I'd Iike to do.
-I know I couId do it, too.
WeII, I want to go on the stage.
I know I couId act.
What's the matter?
I was just reminded of your aunt
and your mother when they were young.
They aIways used to spat about
which one wouId make the best actress.
Sometimes I'd have to go out
in the haII to Iaugh.
WeII, maybe you were wrong.
If they both feIt that way...