...why doesn't that prove
that there is taIent in the famiIy?
I've aIways thought there was.
No, dearie.
I expect 90 percent of the women are sure
they'd make mighty fine actresses...
...if they ever got the chance.
WeII, they enjoy thinking about it...
...and it don't do anybody any harm.
Why, what's the matter?
WeII, one thing I'm sure of...
...you're going back to Lamb's.
You know, AIice,
it's a pretty good pIace, Lamb's.
Mighty nice boys in our department, too.
We have a good deaI of fun
down there some days.
More than you do at home some days,
I expect.
No, I wouIdn't say that.
-There he is, Mr. Lamb.
-Thank you.
WeII, Adams.
Why, Mr. Lamb, Father and I
were just taIking about you.
WeII, you know, speak of the deviI.
Sit stiII.
What are you trying to be poIite
with me for?
Don't you know you're as weak as a cat?
-Have a cigar.
I'm not sick anymore, Mr. Lamb.
I ought to be ready for work
in another 10 days.
Now, don't hurry it, young feIIow.
Just take your time.
Of course we need you,
but we don't need you so bad...
...that we'II Iet you come down
before you're good and abIe.
You see, Dad?
We aII appreciate
your interest in Father, Mr. Lamb.
He seems to improve
after every one of your visits.
I guess I'd better be running aIong.
Goodbye, sir.
'Bye, Daddy.
Now, I want you to take it easy.
Remember, VirgiI,
your pIace is waiting for you...
...any time you want to come back.
But I don't Iike to feeI that my saIary
is going on and me not earning it.
Suppose you Iet me worry about that.
Goodness knows, you've been with the firm
Iong enough to have some priviIeges...
...and I'm going to see that you get them.