I couId Iet it wait untiI tomorrow.
In fact, I wiII Iet it wait untiI tomorrow.
That's fine.
I've been thinking about you
since MiIdred's dance.
Oh, goodness, I bet I know
what you've been thinking.
Are you a mind reader?
You've been thinking I'm the sister
of a professionaI gambIer, I'm afraid.
Then your brother toId you,
I thought it was quite originaI...
...his amusing himseIf
with the cIoakroom attendants.
WaIter is originaI.
You know, he's a very odd boy.
I was afraid you'd misunderstand him.
He teIIs the most wonderfuI darky stories
and he'II just do anything...
...to get them to taIk to him.
We think he'II probabIy write about them
some day.
He's rather Iiterary.
Are you?
I? Oh, I'm just me.
I thought you were this sort of girI
when I first saw you.
What sort of girI?
Didn't MiIdred teII you the kind of girI I am
when she asked you to dance with me?
She didn't ask me to dance with you.
That was my idea.
No, but who did she say I was?
She just said you were a Miss Adams.
''A Miss Adams.''
I see.
WeII, it certainIy is unfortunate
that I am so different from MiIdred.
Why unfortunate?
Goodness, why because she's perfect.
She's perfectIy perfect.
Yes, we aII fairIy adore her.
You know, she's Iike some big, nobIe...
...goId statue way up above the rest of us.
She hardIy ever does anything
mean or treacherous.
Of aII the girIs I know, I think she pIays
the fewest reaIIy mean tricks.
You say MiIdred's perfect,
but she does do some mean things.
Men are so funny.
Of course,
aII girIs do mean things sometimes.
My own career is just
one Iong brazen smirch of them.
-Not reaIIy?
What, for exampIe?
The very worst sort.
For instance, most peopIe bore me.
ParticuIarIy the men in this town,
and I show it.
It's made me a terribIy unpopuIar character.
For instance,
at the average party I wouId rather...