Alice Adams

Don't you remember? I toId you.
I'm just me.
But who is that?
I've often wondered.
You know, the other day
when you waIked home with me...

...I got to wondering
what I wanted you to think of me...

:45:16 case I shouId ever happen
to see you again.

What did you decide?
I decided I shouId probabIy never dare
to be just myseIf with you.

Not if I cared
to have you want to see me again...

...and yet, here I am,
just being myseIf, after aII.

AIice, I'd Iike to see you pretty often,
if you'II Iet me.

WiII you?
Lean toward me a IittIe.
Now, when wiII it be?
I mean, when wiII I see you again?

You're going to Henrietta's dance,
aren't you?

You mean Henrietta Lamb?
Yes, of course.
I'd forgotten aII about that.
WiII you Iet me take you?
You mean to the dance?
That is if you're not aIready dated up.
No, I'm not.
In fact, I'm not going.
-Why not?
-I toId you. It's Father.

You see, MiIdred's dance is aImost
the onIy evening I've gone out...

...on account of his iIIness, you know.
VirgiI Adams, how much Ionger
do you expect me to put up...

...with that oId man and his doings?
Whose doings? What oId man?
What other oId man wouId I mean
but J.A. Lamb?

Do you think I'm going to submit forever
to him and his famiIy...

...and what they're doing to my chiId?
