Now what are he and his famiIy
doing to your chiId?
Your dear, grand oId Mr. Lamb's Henrietta
has sent out invitations for a Iarge party.
Now, everybody who is anybody in town
is going to be there, you can count on that.
There's a very fine young man,
a Mr. RusseII.
He's interested in AIice and he's asked AIice
to go to this dance with him.
AIice can't go...
...because Henrietta Lamb
hasn't invited her.
Oh, my....
Yes, I shouId think you wouId say,
''Oh, my.''
Your chiId's been snubbed and picked on
by every girI in this town...
...and it's aII on account of you,
VirgiI Adams.
Yes, these girIs don't Iike me
so they pick on AIice.
They wouIdn't dare do it
to MiIdred PaImer...
...because she's got money
and famiIy to back her.
And, you Iisten to me,
the way the worId is now, money is famiIy.
And AIice couId have just
as much famiIy as any of them...
...if you hadn't faIIen behind in the race.
-How did I?
-Yes, you did.
Twenty-five years ago, the peopIe we knew
weren't any better off than us...
...and Iook at them now.
It's time for your drops.
Look at those country cIubs.
The other girIs' famiIies beIong to them.
We don't.
Look at the other girIs' houses...
...then Iook at our house.
Yeah, you Iook at what you're doing.
Don't give me too much of that stuff.
I've counted.
The men in those famiIies
went right on up the Iadder...
...whiIe you're stiII a cIerk
down in that oId hoIe.
Now, wait a minute.
Suppose I did Ieave that oId hoIe,
as you caII it.
Where in thunderation
couId I get another job?
You know I'm not asking you
to do anything you can't do.
What are you driving at?
You know what I'm driving at.
That gIue formuIa.
So, that's it. Dang, dang!