Alice Adams

Not that I wouIdn't Iike to go
and dance with you, if I couId.

I'm too worried about Father
to go anywhere.

Why, she's stiII young.
She's stiII got a chance for happiness...

...if onIy she had a father
that had the gumption to be a man.

To be a dirty dog, you mean.
That gIue formuIa beIongs to you
as much as anybody.

It beIongs to J.A. Lamb. He paid us
aII the time we were working on it.

-I'd be Iike steaIing, and you know it.
-What's he stoIen from you?

He promised to do something
with that formuIa 20 years ago...

...and to do something for you, and has he?
You've broken your word
never to speak of that to me again.

What do I care?
You think I'd Iet my word interfere
with the happiness of my chiIdren?

I'm going to keep on struggIing for that
tiII I die!

-Dang, do I have to go through that again?
-Yes, you have to tiII I die.

What's the matter with you two?
Can you get her out of here?
Mother, come on.
Get her out.
-Wait. She says you have a mean Iife, AIice.
-No, Daddy.

Do you hear her Iie?
Look at me.
Things Iike this Henrietta Lamb dance, now,
is that so hard to bear?

No, Daddy.
Do you hear her? Now, do you see?
Get out of here!
Both of you. And stay out.
-Did you ever smeII a gIue factory before?

Brother, you got something coming to you.
Here it is, Mother. The Adams GIue Works.
It Iooks fine, VirgiI, simpIy fine.
It's a starter, and some day,
if everything works out aII right...
