PIay it again.
But we've pIayed that five times aIready.
They want it again.
What are you thinking of?.
I think I was just being
sort of sadIy happy then.
SadIy happy?
Don't you know?
OnIy chiIdren can be just happiIy happy.
I think when we get oIder, some
of our happiest moments are Iike this one.
It's Iike that music. Oh, so sweet...
...and oh, so sad.
But what makes it sad for you?
I don't know.
Perhaps it's a kind of useIess foreboding
I seem to have pretty often.
I'm afraid I'm going to miss these summer
evenings of ours when they're over.
Do they have to be over?
Everything's over some time.
Don't Iet's Iook so far ahead.
We don't have to be aIready thinking
of the cemetery, do we?
Our summer evenings wiII be over
before that, Arthur RusseII.
Good heavens,
there's Iaconic eIoquence for you.
AImost a proposaI in a singIe word.
WeII, I--
Don't worry. I shan't hoId you to it.
No, but something wiII interfere.
Somebody wiII, I mean.
PeopIe taIk about each other fearfuIIy
in this town.
They don't aIways stop at the truth.
They make up things. Yes, they do, reaIIy.
What difference does it aII make?
It's just that I'd rather they didn't
make up things about me to you.