- What?
- I got caught in the rain.
Got soaked.
Rode back a thousand miles and here I am.
That's all that matters, isn't it?
That's all that matters.
I guess I'd better change my things.
I beg your pardon, gentlemen.
Is this the way to the boat?
- Passenger?
- Yes.
There's no use
your going aboard tonight, sir.
That is, unless you want to.
We ain't sailin' till this fog lifts.
- How soon do you expect that?
- A day or two.
I'll be seein' you on deck, sir.
- That's mighty discouragin', stranger.
- Yes, it is.
- You hit it rich and homeward bound?
- Yes.
You don't figure on standin' here
until the fog lifts?
I don't know.
Reason tells that's the smartest
thing to do. To stand right here.
But I've been too reasonable all day.
Something I left up in the air
that I'd like to attend to.
- How about a nice home-cooked meal first?
- Lead on, sir.
Lucky you met up with me, I can
protect you from the perils of the city.
Yes siree. They had me hemmed in,
so I pulled my gun...
...and I clipped one down there and one man...
- Take it easy, you might hurt somebody.
- Don't be afraid, son, it ain't loaded.
It's not loaded?
No, I don't depend on firearms for protection...
...it's my muscles that scares them away.
If you were to know things
I've done with my bare...
Here's a nice homey place for a stranger,
the Bella Donna.
Yes. I've heard of it.
Maybe you'd like me to help you carry
that gold. You're apt to strain yourself.
No. Thanks just the same.
It's a shame not to take advantage of
my strength, but have it your own way.
Some folks are suspicious for no reason.
I never saw more grand larceny
behind one pair of whiskers.