If you can't make out what that says,
Number 3 is the best meal.
- What's she doing here?
- Who?
Her? Told you this was a nice homey
place. That's the lady known as Swan.
- Swan?
- Yep.
How long has she been here?
Brought her in myself, right off the Flyin' Cloud.
Here's your bottle.
- She come alone?
- Yeah.
But Mr. Chamalis wanted her services
exclusive for the Bella Donna.
- Did she ever live on a ranch?
- Her? A ranch?
- The joke's on me.
- lf you're lookin' for fun, there it is.
Win or lose, it's a pleasure
just to stand beside her at the table.
Can you see from here
whether she has snakes in her hair?
Son, go easy on that liquor.
Brought you another admirer, Swan.
All quiverin' to try his luck agin' ya.
10, black, even.
Old man, advise me.
Are those snakes in her hair or forget-me-nots?
It's all right. He's a little young and been drinkin'.
No, they're not snakes. They're diamonds.
She's got lovely cats' eyes.
What's the delay, Swan. Come on, spin her.
Make your plays, gentlemen.
Quiet. I want to hear the song of the Siren.
- That ain't no way to talk to a lady.
- I most humbly apologize.
I forgot she was raised under a bell jar
with a sprig of forget-me-nots in her hair.
21, red. Waiter.
I'll take that.
Let's drink together, ma'am.
To me, James Carmichael.
The dumbest jackass that ever came
hee-hawing into San Francisco.
- Put your money up or get out.
- Come on, put up your money.
Come on, spin that wheel. Let's get going.