- You ain't bettin' it all at once, are you?
- On the black.
- Does it all go?
- Go on, roll your hoop.
Round and round the old willow tree.
Come on, old man of the sea.
Drink to the little ball.
27. And it's red.
- Who won?
- The red. Yes, sir, the red come up again.
Not my color.
You lost! Just like I did!
You lost like Sawbuck McTavish.
Cover up your back
or they'll shoot you like they did Sandy.
- Get out!
- I seen it.
To Madam Swan and to Galahad.
The pure in heart and the expert dress cottoner.
One day, the black will win
and the harpies will weep.
Don't get excited, stranger.
Go on, take him out.
Make your plays, gentlemen.