Hey, Swan, open the door.
Please, go away, Louis.
Come on, open the door.
I've got something for you.
Part of the money you won tonight.
I don't want it. Keep it.
What you acting so hot for?
I don't know.
Just go away and leave me alone.
Women are like frogs. You can never tell
which way they're gonna jump.
The old man of the sea.
How are you?
Son, still feel a little depressed
over your bad luck last night.
- Yes, I remember.
- I never seen the like before.
Don't let it dampen
that fine western spirit of yours.
I still have two burros left.
That's right, ya did. But you ain't got 'em now.
They run away.
A very interesting city.
Surprised I have my boots.
- Any complaints?
- No.
No complaints.
Wisdom was never bought at so cheap a price.
You still feel pretty bad, son?
Maybe it's somethin' you ate.
Gall and wormwood sit hard
on the delicate stomach.
Gentlemen, I don't want to depress you
with my problems...
...but is there a way for the shorn lamb to
earn enough money for his passage home?
A shorn lamb of infinite accomplishments and...
...a great mass of personal charm.
I like the way he talks.