I don't.
Nobody's askin' you.
I like a windbag like that around.
- Go on, get him something to do.
- lf you say so.
Get busy on those.
You mean these interesting vessels?
We call 'em spittoons and we like 'em shiny.
With all deference to my benefactor,
I think I'll call them cuspidors.
- How do you feel, son?
- Like a useful member of society at last.
That's fine.
- You ever wait on table?
- No. I'm sure I have a talent for it.
You can begin now.
It ain't hard to be a garsin.
Just stick up for your rights
when they get fresh with you.
And always take a bottle in your right hand
and when they're comin' to...
I may spoil her appetite.
Good morning.
Would you like to see the menu, ma'am?
- What are you doing here?
- I'm waiting for your order.
I don't want you around here.
I don't blame you after last night.
I'm very glad of this chance to apologize.
I don't like sarcasm
so early in the day from waiters.
There's no sarcasm intended, ma'am.
You hate me, why hide it behind silly words?
That's not an accurate account of my feelings.
The worst I feel is kind of philosophical.
What are you standing there for?
I told you I don't want you around here.
If you don't mind, I'd like to work here until
I get money to go back to New York.
You could steer clear of the harpies next time.
What would you have for breakfast?
Would you like to see the menu?