It's an old cliché that a sequel
is never as good as the original.
But director James Whale set that
on its head with Bride of Frankenstein,
the crowning achievement
of Universal's golden age of horror.
Never had a studio lavished so much
production value and acting talent
on a so-called monster movie.
Bride of Frankenstein
transcended its genre
and remains one of
Universal's best-loved films.
For Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein,
the attempted creation
of the monster's bride
was always part of her original vision.
How James Whale and Universal Pictures
played matchmaker
for Boris Karloff and Elsa Lanchester
is quite a story.
And, like a good cast,
well worth repeating.
Oh. I thought I was alone.
It's one of the great American films.
It's right up there with
Citizen Kane and Sunset Boulevard.
It's usually discussed as
"Oh, just a horror movie",
but it's much more complex.
Do you know who Henry Frankenstein is?
And who you are?
Yes. I know.
Made me from dead.
The various story elements,
the intellectual elements,
the artistic and acting elements
that came to bear in this film,