Bride of Frankenstein

This time it was
the director who objected.

James Whale didn't want to do
a sequel to Frankenstein.

He seemed to be trying to
squirm out of it, as it were,

avoid it, bypass it.
Do something else instead.

He said he'd gotten everything out of
the first one, that he'd "wrung it dry".

Maybe that was the phrase.
You have to remember that Frankenstein
was the Jaws or Star Wars of its day.

It was such a big hit.
The studio had so much invested in it
that finally he agreed to do it.

But again I love the fact that
he only did it on his terms.

Meantime, Universal again teamed Whale
and Karloff for The Old Dark House,

a sardonic thriller that introduced
Whale's mischievous sense of humour.

The Invisible Man, with Claude Rains,
mixed laughs and chills,

and showcased state-of-the-art
special effects.

The effects in The Invisible Man
are just extraordinary.

You still watch them
and wonder how some were done.

You're crazy to know who I am,
aren't you?

All right/ I'll show you.
There's a souvenir for you.
And one for you.
I'll show you who I am and what I am.
How do you like that, eh?
Whale directed some stylish non-horror
films for Universal in the early '30s,

including By Candlelight
in the manner of Lubitsch,

an adaptation of Galsworthy's
One More River,

and a screwball comedy mystery
Remember Last Night?

He always had very mixed feelings
about his horror films.

He liked them, but he wanted
to be an A-list director.

He wanted to make
the big-money projects,

like John Stahl at Universal did.
And, curiously enough,
who remembers who John Stahl was?

But we all remember the movies
made by James Whale.

Junior Laemmle, who was
the general manager at Universal,
