Bride of Frankenstein

A monster created from cadavers
out of rifled graves?

The money was available to him
to make a much more elaborate film
than the first one.

Because of the success,
they let him go with the sets,

and go with the care and the time
and the photography and the music,

so that he could polish
and refine and elaborate,

in a way that the earlier films, which were
made faster, wouldn't have permitted.

It's an odd sequel in many ways.
For example, after a brief glimpse of
the monster in the beginning of the movie,

he doesn't show up again for a half-hour,
a third of the way into the movie.

Meanwhile, you've spent most of your
time with this odd character, Dr Pretorius.

I think if you look at Dr Pretorius,
that's an example of how the movie has
changed so radically from the first one.

In the first one, there was
the boring Dr Waldman.

And in this one, suddenly
there's this full-blown eccentric,

very, very gay and funny character,
that was created by Whale
in the development of the screenplay
for the second film.

Yes, there have been developments
since he came to me.

Unlike the original film, Mary Shelley's
novel featured a highly articulate monster.

Bride of Frankenstein
restored the monster's speech.

Before you came, I was all alone.
It is bad to be alone.
Alone. Bad.
Friend. Good.
Speech was the essential difference
between the original Frankenstein

and the Bride of Frankenstein.
My father really objected
to the monster being given speech.

He felt it would take away
from the original portrayal,

and I think he was wrong.
