Just a slightly fuller face with a few
little burn scars and the singed-off hair.
A great make-up.
Actually there was another change.
In the original make-up, he only had one
clamp on his head - this side actually.
It was something they didn't notice
for the longest time.
You would see pictures from the Bride,
and you saw the two big clamps, the little
ones in-between and the ones on the side.
I used to always assume that was
the same on the original make-up.
Later, when I started looking at it,
I said "He only has one clamp."
During the filming of Frankenstein,
Karloff sustained a serious back injury,
and suffered many discomforts due to
the weighted boots and padded costume.
For the sequel, efforts were made
to lessen the ordeal.
I'm sure they treated him more like a star,
because he was successful with
Frankenstein and some films after that.
I think that, in the original, the top of his
head was probably fabricated each day,
built up out of cotton and collodion.
In the Bride and the Son later on,
there was a rubber forehead that went on,
which probably sped up the process
for Boris and Jack.
I know they gave Karloff a slant board,
because he still couldn't quite sit down.
I have a picture in my office of him in this
great slant board, drinking a cup of tea.
The make-up posed technical challenges
for cinematographer John Mescall,
who required special lighting
for the monster's skin tones.
Jack Pierce's make-up for the monster
essentially was a blue-green colour.
This was not due to any belief in
a colour aesthetic for the monster.
But if the monster were photographed
wearing this shade of greasepaint,
on orthochromatic film,
and if he was lit as Mescall lit him,
with blue-gelled light,
he would read as dead white.
Mescall had red added into the make-up
of those who had scenes with the monster
and often trained warmer lights on them.