Bride of Frankenstein

She was very funny. She talked about
the scar under the neck of the bride.

She said that Jack Pierce
took the longest time to do this,

that he went through this incredible ritual
of applying this scar,

that she said hardly shows in the film.
She said "I'm sure he could have bought
a scar for ten cents in a joke shop."

But he had his own way of doing it,
and he lovingly and painstakingly applied
this scar each morning to the bride.

The idea of the hiss of the female monster
came from she and Charles Laughton
feeding the swans at Regents Park.

She said "When swans would come up, if
you went to feed them, that was all right,

but if you got too near them or got near
their young, they would hiss."

So she thought of this
incredible hiss of the swans

and she incorporated it into the character.
Frankenstein combined English
and American actors,

not always convincingly.
Bride of Frankenstein was cast
mainly with British players.

Mae Clarke, the original Elizabeth,
was replaced by the 17-year-old ingénue
Valerie Hobson.

Valerie Hobson gives an amazing
performance, I think, as Elizabeth.

Very stylised. She's like
a Christmas angel,

the way she appears with the dress
and the flowing hair.

I talked to her in 1989 and she had
warm memories of making the film.

She said the first time she saw Karloff,
it was an extraordinary experience.

There he was in complete
Frankenstein monster make-up,

and she said "I just was so amazed.
All of a sudden he opened his mouth

and out came this very gentle
British accent with a lisp."

She said that he was like
the great clowns who make you cry.

He really made you cry.
This monster whose heart was just
bleeding to get out of his monstrous self,

to find somebody to love,
to find somebody to love him in return.

And he pulled it off. Remarkable feat
of acting. She was very impressed by it.
