Don't you just love being famous?
The figure of the bride is so iconic
that she crops up in all kinds of films.
There's this absolutely wonderful Bride of
Frankenstein parody in Small Soldiers.
The Bride of Frankenstein shows up in
the Bride of Chucky in a very clever way.
She's alive/ Alive/
We belong dead.
You can do a little drawing of the bride
and people will say "I know what that is."
I remember building little Aurora kits
of the Bride of Frankenstein
when I was a little kid,
way before I could see the movies,
and being totally enchanted by these
creatures lumbering across my desk
when I went to sleep at night. It felt safe.
Some of these youngsters -
seven, eight, nine years old -
they know the script
backwards and forwards.
Of course, with the advent of video, it
brought it into everybody's living room,
and now on DVD.
It perpetuates the availability,
and the appeal is long-lasting
and multi-generational.
It's a brilliant film, it's a work of genius.
I think it's a picture in which the acting,
particularly the performances of Karloff
and Elsa Lanchester, Ernest Thesiger,
transcend anything you saw being done
in Hollywood at that time.
Brilliant, almost operatic performances.
And if ever somebody
needs to study a film
to see how a director injects
his own personality into a picture,
Bride of Frankenstein
is the perfect example.
You can almost watch it and feel like
you spent an evening with James Whale,