Bride of Frankenstein

Joseph Breen, the omnipotent censor
of the Production Code Administration,

wrote the studio "We counted
ten separate scenes

in which the monster either strangles
or tramples people to death -

this in addition to murders
by secondary characters."

"Such a great amount
of slaughter is unwise,

and we recommend earnestly that you
do something about toning this down."

Whale balked: "Kill them all.
Let Breen sort them out."

Whale's first cut contained no less than
21 deaths either committed or alluded to.

After Breen's sorting,
the casualty rate plummeted
to a mere ten confirmed decedents.

Franz Waxman's famous five-note motif
for the monster, usually played by brass,

provides the backbone of the score,
and will recur in various
guises and developments,

including flutter tonguing for danger
and harmon mutes for comic effect.

As developed, it comments
both on the creature

and other characters' reactions to him.
Poor Mary Gordon is Hans' wife.
Her Mrs Hudson suffered for years

the eccentricities of Basil Rathbone
in the Sherlock Holmes films.

The Scottish-born actress is tossed
into the cistern here by Boris Karloff,

and would be throttled by Lon Chaney
in The Mummy's Tomb.

She survived a rematch with Karloff
in The Body Snatcher,

only to see Boris bludgeon her wee
doggie and steal her son's corpse.

That's Hollywood for you.
Jack Pierce brilliantly extrapolated
Karloff's make-up in Bride,

creating several stages of distress and
regeneration, all in narrative continuity.

The wounded monster
healed progressively.

Karloff seems fleshier because
he is more padded than in the first film.

The need to speak means that he does
not remove his dental plate this time,

forfeiting the cadaverous sunken cheek.
Nor did Pierce paint him
with as many hollows.

The hollow in the monster's cheek
became an annoying grace note

until, in Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man,
it looked like Bela Lugosi's monster

and llona Massey's heroine
both sported duelling beauty marks.

Elizabeth, the true bride of Frankenstein,
played by a 17-year-old Valerie Hobson -
