even as she dallies with Fifi, the giantess.
Enter the monster, wanting a love match.
The bride is produced in a carnival wagon
and the enraged monster dies
in the jaws of Emma's lions.
Philip MacDonald's story
was absolutely up to date,
equally original as Blochman's
and equally useless.
War clouds over Europe, and Henry
has developed his delta death ray,
that he wishes to sell to the League
of Nations as a deterrent to war.
Henry has neglected
his sickly wife Elizabeth,
over whom family friend Victor Moritz
is still spooning.
A nocturnal demonstration of the ray
inadvertently revives the monster,
and a second exposure
gives him superhuman strength.
The monster plays with
the apparatus' dials like a child,
inadvertently raining death
and destruction across Europe,
decimating whole cities.
A remorseful Henry apologises to
his creature, vaporises him with the ray,
and then immolates himself in its beam.
It was written that Elizabeth's vision
would be a classical grim reaper,
a ghost of Christmas yet-to-come,
bearing a strong whiff of the monster.
It would have been dangerous
to go over the top so early on,
with so many fancies yet to come.
Far better to drop the other shoe
with the arrival of Dr Pretorius,
a literal figure of death.
We're ready for our wake-up call, Dr P.
Promethean hubris drives the story -
or this telling of it.
Henry rationalises his blasphemy
by conjecturing that his actions
are part of the divine plan:
The devil didn't make him do it, God did.
Having created a shambling revenant
with unpredictable powers,
Frankenstein refuses to take
responsibility for its care or destruction.
Whale was a man
of absolutely no religious convictions,
according to his biographer,
James Curtis.
It is fashionable to view
the religious parable
and Christ imagery
in Bride of Frankenstein as mocking,
and to attribute it
to Whale's nonconformity.
This view assumes the fey Dr Pretorius
is the director's absolute alter ego,