Among the villagers is John George,
a diminutive actor
whose stature - or lack of it - made him
a fixture as a decorative gargoyle
in pictures like Babes in Toyland,
East of Java and Trick for Trick.
You'll spot him again, pushing to the
front of the crowd before the dissolve.
The sets for the earlier forest scenes are
lush with waterfalls, grass and fir trees.
Here, as the monster
is pursued by the mob,
Whale, himself a former stage designer,
has instructed art director Charles D Hall
to provide an expressionistic
forest of the dead -
dirt, rocks, leafless trees
like upright telephone poles,
all the better to play
the monster's crucifixion.
Whale is often
incorrectly called expressionistic -
Whale used expressionism
when it suited him,
as in this sequence and the "OI' Man
River" number in Show Boat.
Bride, if anything, is rococo,
a robust co-mingling of baroque,
gothic, the decorative,
the expressionistic and the derivative.
Dwight Frye, body snatcher to the stars,
is first glimpsed leaning against a tree.
David Lewis's sister
is again kibitzing with the rabble.
There's Dwight.
Mr Levy, wearing spectacles
and leaning on his cane,
has just darted behind EE Clive.
The point is not that the monster is Christ.
In Christian theology,
Jesus is the redeemer.