Bride of Frankenstein

Greg Mank asked Valerie Hobson
late in her life

if she could pinpoint why Bride of
Frankenstein remained so popular.

She replied "Karloff is so moving, like one
of the great clowns who make you cry."

"I think this was the secret
of its enduring success."

Franz Waxman asked for Clifford Vaughan
as his orchestrator

specifically because of Vaughan's
expertise with the organ.

The instrument is associated
with sacred music,

evident in this solo rendition
of Schubert's "Ave Maria".

Oliver Wallace, later a mainstay
of Disney's music department,

was the session player
on a Wurlitzer-style theatre organ.

Elsewhere, the organ
is used for profane colour,

notably in the danse macabre
of the crypt sequence

and in multiple renditions
of the bride's theme.

Vaughan also orchestrated
for staff composers Edward Ward

and Heinz Roemheld in 1934-35.
