Bride of Frankenstein

Shortly, the monster will stumble
into a group of children

and be posed before
an icon of Jesus Christ.

He beseeches the children,
and is again rejected by humanity.

Marilyn Harris, the drowned Maria
of the first film, is the children's leader.

Also fleeing in the gaggle
is child actress Carmencita Johnson.

Whale upgraded Marilyn's silent bit
with one word of dialogue,

making the part
a higher-paying speaking role.

He would use Marilyn again
in Show Boat and The Road Back.

Balderston's July 23rd script had
the angry monster wrestle and destroy

a stone angel in the cemetery -
literally a fallen angel.

Hurlbut's shooting script had the monster
come upon a crucified Nazarene,

etched against a glowering sky.
Seeing it as a living figure, tortured as he
has been, the monster toppled the effigy

and attempted to free it from the cross.
The Breen office told Whale
in no uncertain terms

to find another monument.
Whale salvaged the ghost of the intention
by including the unmolested
Christ icon in the margin.

Censor cuts in Frankenstein perverted
the poignant encounter with a little girl

into an act of paedophilic depravity.
As if Pretorius, the burgomaster
and Minnie

jointly ran the Production
Code Administration,

the most resonant Christian image
was twisted into an act of godlessness.
