Valerie Hobson remembered him as
a terribly sweet man with a good heart.
"I don't think he had a very strong
male approach to things,"
she told historian Greg Mank.
"He was one of the very first people
to make, almost, camp fun."
"He did it as a serious thing, you know."
"Sort of the arched eyebrow
and arched nostril."
Elsa Lanchester recalled him as weird,
strange and acid-tongued.
Thesiger opened in the play
A Sleeping Clergyman
at the Theatre Guild, New York,
on October 8th, 1934.
When it closed after 40 performances,
he was able to train west
to join the cast of Bride
after the New Year.
Reading Pretorius's dialogue, it is easy to
hear Claude Rains' brushed-velvet tones
and imagine the cynical,
twinkling bemusement
with which he played
Captain Renault in Casablanca.
That same dialogue plays very differently
when enunciated by the man who,
in The Old Dark House,
spoke the phrase "Have a potato"
and endowed it with
seven levels of malevolence.
Thesiger's best film roles are all macabre.
Less well-known than
The Old Dark House and The Ghoul
are his parts as Marley's undertaker
in the Alistair Sim version of Scrooge,
the asthmatic industrial tycoon, swathed
in furs, in The Man in the White Suit,
a 19th-century wraith
who must release his dead lover's soul
from the body of a possessed girl in the
1948 British thriller A Place of One's Own,
and the milk-toast Mr Hoover,
the silk-stocking killer
of the 1938 Warner Bros
British production They Drive by Night.
Pretorius's preoccupation
with the female being
radiates an unhealthy, prurient interest.
As the monster realises the implication
of the word "wife", Thesiger's glance
suggests that Pretorius will be a most
interested spectator on the honeymoon.