Here's another example of Whale
and Hurlbut's good theatrical instincts.
As written, Pretorius and Dr Frankenstein
remain together during this episode.
Pretorius merely shrugs at the suggestion
that he is behind the abduction.
On the set, Whale contrived for Pretorius
to make another grand entrance,
smashing the bric-a-brac while
the camera dollies in to a low angle
to punch the impact of the moment.
Here's another Whale trademark: Moving
his camera through the wall of a set.
The watchtower set
from the first film is revisited,
with a crossbeam
now spanning the staircase -
just in case one feels like hanging oneself
from a convenient rafter.
The mordant pleasantries
about slimy steps
and the charms of the house are ad-libs.
The next four minutes are mainly
the contribution of John Balderston.