Bride of Frankenstein

How beautifully dramatic.
The crudest, savage, exhibition
of nature at her worst, without,

and we three, we elegant three, within.
I should like to think that an irate Jehovah
was pointing those arrows
of lightning directly at my head.

The unbowed head of George Gordon,
Lord Byron, England's greatest sinner.

But I cannot flatter myself to that extent.
Possibly those thunders
are for our dear Shelley.

Heaven's applause
for England's greatest poet.

- What of my Mary?
- She is an ángel.

You think so?
You hear?
Come, Mary. Come and watch the storm.
You know how lightning alarms me.
Shelley, darling, will you please
light these candles for me?

Mary, darling.
Astonishing creature.
- I, Lord Byron?
- Frightened of thunder, fearful of the dark.

And yet you have written a tale
that sent my blood into icy creeps.
