if we were all devils,
and no nonsense about
angels and being good.
Oh, there's the king out again.
Even royal amours are a nuisance.
Poor Archbishop. He has his hands full.
There. That'll keep you quiet.
My little ballerina is charming,
but such a bore.
She'll only dance to
Mendelssohn's "Spring Song",
and it gets so monotonous.
My next is very conventional, I'm afraid.
But you can never tell
how these things will turn out.
It was an experiment with seaweed.
Normal size has been my difficulty.
You did achieve size.
I need to work that out with you.
But this isn't science.
It's more like black magic.
You think I'm mad. Perhaps I am.
But listen, Henry Frankenstein,
while you were digging in your graves
piecing together dead tissues,
I, my dear pupil, went for my material
to the source of life.
I grew my creatures, like cultures.
Grew them as nature does, from seed.
But, still, you did achieve
results that I have missed. Now, think.
What a worid-astounding
collaboration we should be,
you and I, together.
No. No, no, no.
Leave the charnel house
and follow the lead of nature,
or of God, if you like your Bible stories.
Male and female, created He them.
Be fruitful and multiply.
Create a race, a man-made race
upon the face of the earth. Why not?