Captain Blood

''Prince James II by the grace of God...
''of England, Scotland, France,
and Ireland, King.

''Having no fear of God in your hearts...
''and being moved
and seduced by the devil...

''you have failed in the love
of due obedience toward the King...

''and have moved to disturb
the tranquility of the nation...

''and to stir up war to depose said king
from title...

''honor, and the regal name
of the imperial crown.

''Therefore, you are here to be tried
before His Majesty's Commissioner...

''the Lord Chief Justice,
Baron Jeffreys of Wem...

''and by a jury of 12 good men and true.''
James Haynsworth, hold up your hand.
-Guilty or not guilty?

-Harold Carron, guilty or not guilty?

-Andrew Baynes, guilty or not guilty?

-Jeremy Pitt, guilty or not guilty?

-John Wolverstone, guilty or not guilty?

Uriah Ogle, guilty or not guilty?
Guilty. Praise the Lord.
Henry Hagthorpe, guilty or not guilty?
-Lord Chester Dyke, guilty or not guilty?

Peter Blood, guilty or not guilty?
lt's entirely innocent, I am.
Take the stand and face His Lordship.
Are you guilty or not guilty?
You must use the right words.

Words, is it? Not guilty.
And speaking of words,
I'd like to say a few about the injustice...

of keeping an innocent man
locked up for three months...

in such filth and heat and ill-feeding
that my chief regret is I didn't try...

to pull down the filthy fellow
that sits on the throne.

Are you entirely ignorant
of the proper procedure of the court?

Most happily ignorant up to now.
I could gladly have done
without this acquaintance.
