Enough of this.
There is nothing more to be said,
except the passing of sentence.
May it please Your Lordship,
but there's a deal more to be said!
-How now, fellow?
-There is the little matter of my defense.
Very well, then...
but in heaven's name, be brief, man.
We have much to do.
I am guilty of nothing, my lord...
unless it be adjudged a crime
that a man try to live peaceably.
Living peaceably
with the army of Monmouth?
I was not with Monmouth's army, my lord.
I was arrested while engaging
in my profession as physician.
What's this?
You tell us you're a doctor, you rogue?
And as such was summoned
to the aid of Lord Gildoy...
by Jeremy Pitt, who can so testify.
Master Pitt will testify.
He that is himself a confessed traitor.
-ls that your witness?
-There is also Andrew Baynes.
Master Baynes
will have enough testifying...
in a useless effort
to keep his own neck from the halter.
I can bring a hundred from Bridgwater,
the town where I live.
We've no time for all this.
lf these other traitors
are as stubborn as you...
I may sit here till the next assizes.
Very well, then.
There's a witness I'll give you
that you can't deny:
yourself, sir.
For if I'm not physician,
how is it I know that you're a dying man?
The death to which you're dooming
hundreds of poor men daily...
in a frantic effort to send their souls
to perdition before your own...
is a light pleasantry...
compared to the bleeding death
in the lungs...
to which the great Judge
has condemned you.
Now, fellow,
we'll be done with the witnesses...
and I will convict you
out of your own rascally mouth.
When this Pitt came to summon you,
as you claim...
did you know you were called
to attend another rebel?
My business was with his wounds,
not his politics.
Did you know the law...