-My dear, consider your social position!
-Which one?
-That one.
-Him? I will not.
-But I want you to.
No. Let him cool his head
in Dixon's mines. I'll have none of him.
-£5? That's an insulting sum to offer.
-Does anyone offer more?
You're making an exhibition of yourself...
a girl like you,
bidding for a slave before these people.
-Will you buy him?
-Certainly not.
When a lady's interested in a man....
Calm down, Dixon,
£8 is nothing for such a man...
a skilled physician,
a gentleman, and a scholar.
-All right, £9.
lt's apparent Miss Bishop wants him
more than I do.
Sold to Miss Arabella Bishop for £10.
£10, sold.
What would you like done with him,
Miss Bishop?
Why, I don't know.
You're extremely foolish.
lt might have cost you your life.
lt was fortunate for you
that I was here to save you.
I hardly consider it fortunate to be bought
by anyone by the name of Bishop.
You could learn a lesson in gratitude.
I could thank for not interfering.
As it happens, you are hardly in a position
to have anything to say about it.
You may join the others belonging
to my uncle...
and henceforth you may take your orders
from him.
Your very humble slave, Miss Bishop.