Last night, this dog attempted to escape.
Today you'll see what happens
to those who forget...
that my friend King James
did you all a favor...
in saving you from your just fate
on the gallows.
Show them the iron, Kent.
Whoever wears that brand
is known as a fugitive traitor...
and will be treated as such.
Burn those letters in your brain...
lest they be burned on your hides, too.
There speaks a fit friend for King James
if ever I heard one.
Would I had him and his friend James
roasting on a spit over that fire.
Great would be the burning thereof
and loud the rejoicing in Heaven.
Do your duty!
What a cruel shame
that any man is made to suffer so.
-This beastly gout!
-Perhaps a new dressing will help.
-I have it here.
-Put it down.
So sorry, Doctor.
Easy, you clumsy louts!
-We won't hurt you, Governor.
-You thick-fingered jackasses!
His Excellency will have his little joke.
lll-begotten bunglers!
-Blundering pill peddlers!
-Your Excellency--
That is the final straw.
Out of this house...
and never let me see your faces again.
-But think of our reputations.
-Hang your reputations!
Leave me! I don't want to see you again!
Away! Out!
I don't want to see you!
Out into the streets!
Stop shouting.
You brought on my headache again.