Captain Blood

Good! Hannibal, come take my crutch.
Easy, now. Help me up with my foot.
No remedy. Why, thank you, dear.
Why doesn't His Excellency
try another doctor?

Another doctor?
There are only those two
on this wretched island...

-and each one is worse than his partner.
-There is another.

And according to what I've heard,
he became a slave by being a doctor.

A slave?
Would you elevate a slave
to the position of doctor to the Governor?

-ls he a good doctor?
-I don't know.

Why are you laughing?
I'm just thinking how annoyed
Peter Blood would be...

if I did him another favor.
Your Excellency, there are diverse citizens
of this sovereign island...

who come before you with complaints.
Complaints, complaints.
Can none of my citizens
follow the example of their governor...

who endures the utmost agony
without a murmur?

-Easy there, fellow.
-Did I hurt you, sir?

No, but I thought you were going to.
Your Excellency,
this vagrant hides his sins...

behind the name of Honesty Nuttall.
-He's charged with being in debt.
-State your case, fellow, and no lies.

I was on the way to pay the butcher
on Tuesday...

as Honesty Nuttall is my name,
when I chanced on a poor old beggar.

lt was Jones from the grog shop...
who begged me to have a drink with him.
Try standing on it, Your Honor.
Stand on that bundle of pain? Impossible.
I remembered in time my poor
starving wife in need of the five bob.

What is this all about? Silence!
-Sit down.
-What's he here for?

For debt, Your Excellency,
and the prevaricator--

lf it's for debt,
don't annoy me with such petty things.

Order him to work it off.
Work? Not that, anything but work.
What's your trade?
I'm a ship's carpenter
when the painful necessity arises.

Take him to work on the docks...
