Captain Blood

You depend upon that?
I intend to, for all it's worth,
and that promises to be considerable.

But you'd hardly know about that.
You've probably never had the gout.

-Good afternoon, Miss Bishop.
-Good afternoon.

15-2, 15-4, and a pair are six.
-What else is there to do...

ever since you ruined the Governor's foot
and our reputations with it?

-I ruined the Governor's foot?
-I tell you, Doctor, you're methods are--

-Someone coming.
-A patient?

A patient!
-I beg your pardon, Doctor. I'm so sorry.
-lt's all right.

Come in.
Good afternoon, colleagues. Dr. Bronson.
-Dr. Whacker.
-Good afternoon.

How's business, my friends?

-Terribly good.
-That relieves me.

I had heard that things
were not altogether....

ldle gossip, obviously.
You intend to remain here?
Remain here? Why not?
lt's queer.
There are you, free to come and go as
you please, and you choose to stay here.

While I, who hate this pestilential island....
Such are the quirks of circumstance.

I must be running along, gentlemen.
Good day, gentlemen.
lt's pleasant to see
everything so prosperous with you here.
