My uncle knows that I spend my time
with whomever I please.
You might choose your company
with better taste.
His Excellency's waiting for you!
Here, Kent, lend him your horse.
Yes, sir.
Otherwise, the lout will be all night
getting there.
Will I be required there long, sir?
You're afraid your work will interfere
with your social affairs?
lf I get back late, before midnight,
could I get back into the stockade?
Will you stay here talking all night?
Be off with you!
Take him to the stockade!
Go on, get along in there.
lf he talks, we're lost.
lt seems that you're continually
doing me favors.
-I don't know why.
-Neither do I.
Yes, I do.
lt's because you're so very grateful
and always thank me so prettily.
Sure now, you don't blame me
for resenting you and your favors.
This is interesting. I've had men tell me
they had reasons for admiring me...
and some have even laid claims
to reasons for loving me...
but for a man to store up reasons
for resenting me, how refreshing.
You must tell me a few of them.
The first is reason enough.
You bought me.
I've had no lack of experiences in my time,
but to be bought and sold was a new one.
I was in no mood to thank my purchaser.
That I can understand. Go on.
I've resented you because your name
is Bishop.
My thoughts have lumped you
with your uncle.
How was I to know
that a devil could have....
That a devil could have an angel
for a niece?
From a resentful man,
that is a pretty fair compliment.
Have you any more reasons
for resenting me like that one?
lndeed, I have. And the strongest of all...
I've resented you
because you're beautiful, and I'm a slave.