"The way the ocean comes in
and goes all white
as it swishes down."
Why don't you try
telling me in English?
Oh, you're English?
I knew you was English,
I've been watching you
sittin' over there.
Look, I'll be through
my turn here, in a bit.
Wait for me?
Why not?
That wouldn't be
half nice.
Well, that's funny.
What's the matter with them?
Oh, I don't know.
Nothing I suppose.
They're just not like...
Well, like you.
Oh, like me.
There never was anybody
quite like me.
Oh, now,
you don't pull my leg.
All right, I won't.
No. I know you won't.
You don't even know
if I have any.
No legs?
You're an odd one.