Put on the deeper curve,
I think.
Here they are.
Take him to the clearing
back of the paddock.
Yes, sir.
I'll ride him there.
I do wish you got Richards
to ride him first.
Oh, we'll get along famously.
We understand each other.
Or we will.
He's coming along.
He has sense, learns quickly.
It was a fine exhibition.
Oh, well,
he rides horses
almost as well
as he talks them.
Isn't that
what you said?
Everybody can do
As for you,
Mr. Ibbetson,
you are to be
congratulated, too.
The stables are coming along
very nicely indeed.
Thank you very much.
I noticed that they were
finally built your way.
Oh, yes.
Yes. I can see now that I was
quite wrong about them.
Well, I'd better go up
and change.
He is a good horseman.
Are you a little envious?
Well, we can all do something.
But what can I do?
And quite enough.
How gallant.
Well, I better get back
to what I can do.
You know, I think
it's going to rain after all.
You better get
your little house
and your papers back
under their shed again.
There's quite
a storm gathering.