The 39 Steps

Sounds like a spy story.
That's exactly what it is.
- Only l prefer the word agent better.
- ''Agent''?

- For what country?
- Any country that pays me.

- What is your country?
- l have no country.

Born in a balloon?
We'll let that go.

l suppose you've come here..
to dig up
some great big state secret.

l am here to save a secret
from being divulged.

A very important secret
for this country.

Not because l love England,
but because it will pay me better.

- Thank you.
- The very brilliant agent..

of a certain foreign power..
is on the point of obtaining
a secret vital to your air defense.

l tracked two of his men
to that music hall.

they recognized me.

- That's why they're after me now.
- That was too bad.

You ever heard of a thing
called ''persecution mania''?

- You don't believe me?
- Frankly, l don't.

Go and look down
into the street then.

You win.
- Are they there?
- Yes.

l'd hoped l'd shaken them off.
l'm going to tell you something
which is not very healthy to know.

But now that they have
followed me here..

you are in it
as much as l am.

How do you mean?
- Have you ever heard of the 39 Steps?
- No. What's that, a pub?

Never mind.
But what you were laughing at is true.
These men will stop at nothing.

l'm the only person
who can stop them.

lf they are not stopped, it's only
a matter of days, perhaps hours..
