The 39 Steps

- What about what?
- Yourself.

- lt seems there's only one way out.
- What's that?

Supposing l left you alone
with this revolver?

Tomorrow's newspapers would announce
that the Portland Place murderer..

- had taken his own life.
- l thought you were coming directly.

We've all been waiting.
- Will Mr. Hammond be staying?
- l don't think so, dear.

Well, what do you think,
Mr. Hannay?

l'm afraid
you leave me no alternative.

l cannot find my hymn book.
- Where did you leave it?
- ln the breast pocket of my overcoat.

lt was hanging here.
l'm afraid l gave it to that gentleman
who was staying here that night.

Cigarette cases, yes, but l've never
seen it happen to a hymn book before.

And this bullet stuck
among the hymns, eh?

l'm not surprised. Some of those hymns
are terrible hard to get through.

l've stuck in them myself
before now.

l'm not complaining, Sheriff.
''Hymns that have helped me.''

That's a good one!
That's fine.

And to think l was drinking his
champagne only half an hour before.

lt's a lesson to us all: not to mix
with doubtful company on the Sabbath.

And how did you escape?
lf you look through the window,
you'll see.

They put the body
in the dressing room.

When l came to, l borrowed this suit
and pinched his car.

l don't want to hurry you,
but shouldn't we take steps?

This is serious. Otherwise, l wouldn't
put myself in your hands..

- with a murder charge hanging over me.
- Never heed the murder.

You'll be able to convince
Scotland Yard of your innocence..
