The 39 Steps

to this constituency
that at this crucial by-election..

our candidate should be returned
by an adequate majority.

l now ask for Captain Fraser.
Ladies and gentlemen, l apologize for
my hesitation in rising just now..

but l'd entirely
failed while listening..

to the chairman's flattering
description of the next speaker..

to realize he was
talking about me.

As for you, may l say
from the bottom of my heart..

and with the utmost sincerity..
how delighted and relieved l am
to find myself..

in your presence at this moment.
Delighted because
of your friendly reception..

relieved because so long
as l stand on this platform..

l am delivered from the cares
and anxieties..

which must always be the lot
of a man in my position.

When l journeyed up to Scotland
a few days ago..

traveling on the Highland Express
over that magnificent Forth Bridge..

that monument to Scottish engineering
and Scottish muscle--

That is to say, on that journey l
had no idea that in a few days time..

l should find myself addressing
an important political meeting.

l had planned a very different program
for myself.

A very different program.
You'd be for the moors
to shoot something.

Or somebody.
l'm a rotten shot.

Anyhow, l little thought
l should be speaking tonight..

in support of that brilliant,
young statesman.

That rising--
The gentleman on my right..
already known among you
as one destined to make..

no uncertain mark in politics.
ln other words,
your future member of Parliament..

your candidate, Mr--
