The 39 Steps

He doesn't know the candidate's name.
l know your candidate will forgive
my referring to him..

by the friendly nickname
by which he's already known..

in anticipation, mark you..
at Westminster.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we'll
discuss some topic. What shall it be?

- The herring fisheries!
- Unemployment!

- What about the idle rich?
- That's an old-fashioned topic..

especially for me because l'm not rich
and l've never been idle.

l've been pretty busy all my life,
and l expect to be much busier soon.

Have you ever worked
with your hands?

lndeed l have. l've known what it is
to feel lonely and helpless..

and have the whole world
against me.

Those are things that no man
or woman ought to feel.

l ask your candidate..
and all those who love
their fellowmen..

to set themselves resolutely to make
this world a happier place to live in.

A world where no nation
plots against nation..

where no neighbor
plots against neighbor..

where there is no persecution
or hunting down..

where everybody gets a square deal
and a sporting chance..

and where people try to help
and not to hinder.

A world from which suspicion
and cruelty..

and fear have been
forever banished.

That is the sort of world l want!
ls that the sort of world you want?

That's all l have to say.
Good night!

- l kept them going as long as l could.
- You're a difficult man to follow.

l suppose you think
you've been damn clever.

- Tell your prisoner not to insult me.
- Try and stop me.

- Come along with me.
- l was speaking the truth.

You must have seen
l was genuine.

Whether you believe me or not,
will you put a telephone call through..

to High Commissioner
for Canada in London?

- Tell him an important secret--
- That will do now.

An important secret is being taken out
of this country by a foreign agent.

l can't do anything myself
because of this fool of a detective.
