Biggest fooI in the Army.
I'm sorry.
That's aII--
aII right, Mac.
" Sure I Iove the dear siIver
that shines in her hair "
" And the brow
that's aII furrowed "
" and wrinkIed with care "
" Oh, God bIess you
and keep you "
" Mother McGregor ""
Now, when a troop wheeIs
on the move,
what do the troop Ieaders
Iook out for?
Mr. Stone,
I asked you a question.
Yes, sir.
(metaI cIanking)
Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.
Got it aII that time.
AII right.
(horse whinnies)
Bedding shouId be
changed, Mr. Stone.
Yes, I see now,
Risaldar Major.
We don't have these
beastIy ticks in EngIand.
Sergeant, have this
horse's shoe attended to.
(speaking Hindi)
Come on!
(aII yeIIing)
Give him a good waIk
whiIe he cooIs off.
(horse neighing)
(horse hooves cIattering)
A good man, Forsythe.
See the way
he took that jump?
Yes, they teach them
to jump in the BIues.
Yes. Yes, what?