The Lives of a Bengal Lancer

What are you doing here?
The same as you are.
Looking for him.

And I wish you'd be
honest with yourseIf,

and Iet me know
what you're reaIIy
going to do.

If you'd just teII me,
maybe I'd get more sIeep.

Now that we are here,
what wouId you do
if you were drunk?

How drunk?
Pretty drunk.
I'd go Iooking
for that music.

Come on, speed it up, Stone,
or we'II aII be
doing stabIe duty.

I can take care of myseIf.
Come aIong, Casanova,
these wiII make
a new man of you.

(bugIe bIowing)
(horses neighing)
(bugIe bIowing)
Forgot something.
I thought you
might get Ionesome.

Get yourseIf a cobra.
(bugIe bIowing)
(drums beating)
The weIcoming committee
from the Emir.

(faIcon chirping)
