After the Thin Man

- She's busy.
- I know.

- What do you know?
- A few things that are going on here.

Smart boy, eh? You know things.
When are you going
to start shaking me down?

When I want to shake you down...
I put up with you because
you're Polly's brother, but don't...

think you can ride too far on that ticket.
Now stay away for a couple of days.
My, what big confetti they throw here.
Get out of the way, you big clown.
- Well, that's more like it.
- Too bad we didn't bring Aunt Katherine.

- Oh, Mr. Charles. How are you?
- Hello, Dancer.

Neat way you have
of tossing your customers out.

His sister works here.
I just get tired of him sometimes.

- I felt a gun under his left arm.
- Just breaking it in for a friend.

I want you to meet my partner.
This is Lum Kee, Mr. Charles.

- And Mrs. Charles.
- How do you do?

- I'm your friend, you bet you.
- You sent his brother up, remember?

- Lum Yung?
- Oh, yes.

He's the one who spread out some tong
differences to include a bank stick-up.

You bet you. You catch my brother.
You play trick on him.

No play trick on him, no catch him.
You bet you. Is he still in?

You bet you. For five years more.
Excuse, please.
Is he a gunman, too?
No, but you never can tell
how close brothers are.

- Thought you might like to know.
- Thanks.

He's a great guy to have liking you.
This way, Mrs. Charles.
- Many customers tonight?
- Oh, yes.

We always do a pretty good business,
you know.

Follow me.
- Oh, Nickie, there's Robert!
- Yes, I know.

Why didn't you tell me?
- Why, Robert! Where have you been?
- Well, fancy meeting you here.

Why haven't you sent any word to Selma?
She's almost crazy with worry.

She ought to know better by now.
