
...even if you're not the rich baron,
can't you?

l'll not come back with your sweets
too soon.

-What is your friend's name?
-l'm not sure which friend you mean.

The girl in the opposite box
whom you just spoke to.

Oh, her. Well, she's hardly a friend.
l know her, of course.
But she's not easy to get along with.
Ask anybody.

What did you say her name was?
And she has a reputation of being one
of the most extravagant girls in Paris...

:14:41 well as one of the most insincere.
-l like sincerity, don't you?
-lt's an admirable quality.

Well, l insist on it.
She's the kind who says one thing
and thinks another.

-Marguerite, the girl we were talking about.

-What is her other name?
-Gautier. Not that it's her real name.

She had some sort of very common name,
l hear, when she came to Paris.

There's no use boring you about her.
A friend of mine is giving a small party
tonight, if you'd care to come.

l detest parties. Thank you
for a very charming entr'acte, my dear.

Will l see you again?
l should think it's very likely, sometime.
Good evening.

-Good evening.
-Good evening.

-l hope l don't intrude.

You're very welcome, baron.
l was delighted when l saw
that you were alone.

Oh, monsieur, l'm so sorry
l kept you waiting.

l had to go to two shops
before l found your marrons glacés.

lt doesn't matter. l'm in no hurry.
