No, l think l'd better stay.
l think you'd better not.
-Oh, don't!
-Haven't got much time if you want it back.
Oh, don't. Don't, Marguerite.
Oh, what a girl. What a tease!
You wrote me an unkind letter.
What did you expect?
l saw the baron's carriage.
-You were jealous.
-Of course.
Well, then you do right in going away.
Well, what does it matter
whether l go or stay?
l played the fool again, and you've
probably been laughing at me ever since.
l didn't laugh at all.
l was angry because you dared write
such things to me, but l didn't laugh.
You should have known
it was because l loved you.
You know, once l had a little dog,
and he always looked sad when l was sad...
...and l loved him so.
And when your tears fell on my hand,
l loved you too all at once.
There are things that you wouldn't
understand, so that's why--
Who's that pretty girl?
My sister Louise.
-And the other one?
-Another sister.
-And that's your mother, isn't it?
How happy she looks.
-Does your father love her very much?
-Of course.
Why, they must've been married
a long time.
Nearly 30 years.
And they loved each other
all that time?
Yes. You sound as though
you didn't believe it.