Shall we tackle it?
- We? Us?
- Yeah.
- So you wanna be a partner?
- Could you find a better one?
Don't know if I could. Barney.
But I have to think of Emma Louise.
- That your daughter?
- Yeah.
The business will
go to her someday...
that is. To her
and her husband. Of course.
You haven't been to see us lately.
Well. I've been jumping
all over the state.
But I had intended getting back
to Bewdamore this week.
Good. We'll expect you.
Have a cigar.
I got to run along.
I promised the boys a jamboree.
And they're getting cleaned up for it.
- I'll see you next week.
- Fine. Bye. Barney.
Thanks. Mr. Hewitt.
- Hello. Boys!
- Hello. Sid!
Welcome to Iron Ridge.
I'm glad to see you back. And you. Too.
Come in.
Can you take a little drink?
Try me and see.
- How are you. Swan?
- Fine. You're getting fatter every day.
Three square meals a day will do it.
- What do you want?
- Wait a minute. Barney.
- The first drink is on the house.
- Fine. The next one is on me.
- And the next on me.
- Not on your life.
Here you are. Sid.
Don't let my boys pay for a thing.
And when this is gone.
Let me know.
This is going to buy a lot of drinks.
Here you are. Charlie.
Whiskey with a beer chaser.
Quiet. Everybody. Quiet.
Quiet down over there.
Free drinks for all the jacks.
Barney Glasgow's buying.
Thanks. Barney!
Watch me closely.
It's the old army game.
Where is the little pea?
- It's right here.
- Sorry.
The house wins.
And the gambler loses.
- Hello. Earl.
- Hello. Barney.
- You feel lucky this trip?
- Sure. I'll bet $5.
The object of this game is to find
the shell under which the pea is hidden.
If you'll follow closely.
You may solve
one of the scientific problems
of the age...
whether the eye
is quicker than the hand
or whether the hand
is quicker than the eye.
- It's under that one.
- The gentleman wins.
Now remember. A dozen
can bet on this game as well as one.
And remember this also.
That the sky is the limit.