Swan. Swan.
Here's Pastor Carlson.
- God dag. Pastor.
- God dag. Bostrom.
- You know all this people.
- Ja.
- God dag.
- God dag.
I go get Lotta.
Come. Lotta. Everything ready.
Minister just come.
Swan. You're a fool to marry me.
- Why do you want to do it?
- Because I love you.
I'll never make as good a wife
as you deserve.
Lotta. I hope I deserve you.
You're the kindest man
I ever knew.
- Are you ready?
- Ja. You bet I ready.
Come on.
- Good morning. Mother.
- Good morning. Richard.
Gussie. Go upstairs and tell
Mr. Glasgow his breakfast is cold.
- I'll keep it hot for him.
- Do as I tell you.
Yes. Ma'am.
You've been sending him
that message for ninety-odd years.
- Never hurried him yet. Has it?
- It may have.