What do you expect
with radicals in Washington?
Won't be long before they'll be passing
a law taxing us on the money we earn.
Hear. Hear!
If you know more than Roosevelt.
Why don't you run it?
That's not the point.
Now they've got some newfangled idea
about forestry conservation.
Save the forest from the vandals.
Vandals. Vandals!
- Do they mean you. Father?
- Of course!
What in blazes
do they know about it?
Taxes eating us
out of house and home
on cut-over land that wouldn't
grow a tree in a hundred years.
It would if you'd
replant it after you cut it.
Keep your mouth shut.
Young man.
I heard all about that
replanting speech you made
to the Young Businessman's Club.
- What?
- That one of your new suits?
- Yeah. Like it?
- Looks like one of the old ones.
Chapman's having a sale
of down comforters.
I've a good mind to go to Milwaukee
this week. If it weren't for all the parties.
I think you'll have to count me out.
I've got to go to Iron Ridge.
- Iron Ridge? What for?
- On business. I had a letter from Swan.
But you can't. Tonight's Evvie's
party for Orvie and family.
The first since they've been engaged.
What will his family think?
Well. Frankly.
I don't give a hoot what they think.
I've seen all I could stand
of Mr. Orville Bremmer and family.
That goes for me. Too.
Personally. I think he's a stuffed shirt.
Sorry. Evvie. I'm going to the office.
- Did you hear what he said?
- Maybe he's right.
Well. That's a nice way to talk.
If I felt that way I wouldn't
get engaged. Much less married.
That's an idea.
Now look here. Evvie.
You don't have to marry
that fat can of lard
or anybody else if you don't want to.
Fact is. I'd rather you didn't.
I don't care how old his family is
or how much money they've got.
Orvie's all right. He's a good kid.
Well. Are you going to marry
Orville Bremmer or are you not?
Well. Thank you very much.
I suppose it's very amusing to...
That clock is three minutes slow.